Saturday, May 28, 2011

Charli, the Decision Maker?

If you are elected, will Charli be the actual decision-maker? She seemed a tad opinionated when I met her. And can you get her to switch to red, white and blue feathers? Green is so … unAmerican …

Thank you so much for your insightful question.  I am so heartened to hear from so many of my concerned citizens about the issues that really matter to them.

I want to assure you that everyone on my staff and in my administration share my beliefs and hopes and desires for this great country, and that we are all committed to working together to bring this nation back to its rightful place as the leader of the world.  No longer will special interests be allowed to influence policy or serve the few over the many.

Thank you again for your question.  Please don't hesitate to keep in touch.

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